Monday, August 16, 2010


My views on life is changing. Even me as a person is evolving into the mature mind of the adult life. I am not a college student anymore, ever evolving me has suddenly felt comfortable in my own skin and is sinking in comfortably into it. A few things that have changed:

Relationship: I'm ready for that one guy to come into my life and make a big but very good difference. Because one day..drum rolls please..I would want kids. Yup ever so long have I hated babies, but now I am contemplating about having one. Not in the near close present, but far out there in the future.

Career: I've decided that I want out of this corporate world and will work hard for 3 years and save up to become an entrepreneur. I have 3 years to decide what I would want to open. I will have ideas!

Friends: I have and like the friends I have right now. Their part of what makes me happy everyday. Without them I don't know what I would do.

I stopped wanting luxurious items ( always want, but knows whats best if I want to be rich)
I am finding ways to save money. I do not want to be a 30,000 millionaire. Spend what I have not what I don't have. My finance is being closely watched now than before. I'm trying to live with what I have now and not always wanting to buy. Its such a hard thing to do for this USE to be shopaholic gal. I did good my friends. Just know you will be seeing repeated outfit choices. :)