Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"its life, live it"

I got to thinking, how a woman's life is surrounded by thoughts of marriage and finding the one. Maybe all women don't think like this but the path finds us gearing towards that direction. For my friends that haven't been married quite yet have been pounding or hoping their boyfriend would "put a ring on it." Then there are the ones that question "is he the one." Fighting to keep the companionship together, worry because we are going to be alone, or better yet settle to just settle. As a kid I never thought about marriage. Not once. Up until, one by one my friends I hear are engaged. Attending their wedding and seeing that their boyfriend who became fiance is now a Husband. Of course then did I think about marriage. I hear the good and bad of being in a relationship. Sometimes I wonder...what is marriage? I know a few people who end up in divorces, but it doesn't prevent me from being in one. I started to think what I define marriage as.
1. My sarcastic jokingly definition:
Marriage: Paper document where both party sign and have the law acknowledge their love through penmenship. Oh and another way to say we want to spend XXX amount to tell the whole world WE FOUND LOVE! Having our proud parents show off to their friends that their kid is happy!

2. My true thought of marriage: Putting a ring on a finger stating: BACK THE FUCK OFF

ok ok...TRUTH BE TOLD:

Ahem* It is companionship, finding the person you want to spend your whole life with. May it be him/her in the shower while you be on the toilet taking a dump. The person who would want to make you wake up with a smile on your face. A person you want to say I risked my body to have this child with him.

I don't believe that a paper document is necessary, but double income is great and whatever else benefits from being two instead of one.

I believe in companionship. I don't believe there is the one. I believe there is that person you want to spend your life with. Does that make any sense?

Anyhow that enough about marriage. I'm over the whole MY FRIENDS ARE GONE stage. I now accept the change and is of course happy. May the memories of my single girlfriends be a memory and enter a new memories of marriage and babies.

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