During this year I have gone to at least 7 weddings (congrates to the bride and groom), experienced bartending, work politics, and HAD a boyfriend. My goal was to be a little bit more considerate this year from how I was last year. The out come was good, but there is always room for improvement. I finally meet two cousins this year that I haven't seen which is Hunter and Richard Nguyen. Hunter is my Aunts 4th son who lives in MN as for Richard he lives in Syndy Australia.
What I've learned during 2009:
1. Keep yourself out of work politics
2. Don't give excuses to a situation, just tell the truth
3. Give 100% into everything you do
4. Be thankful for the friends and family who stood close to you :)
I must say I have the greatest brothers, parents, couple cousins, and great close friends that has been there for me. Because they accept me when i'm at my greatest and at my worst. I heart them because they will be celebrating my 26th birthday bash this upcoming weekend (Hello Kitty Style)
Goodbye 25 and Hello 26, wait a minute I ment goodbye 2009 and hello 2010.